Tuesday, December 26, 2006

George Bush is doing the work for the terrorists...

Well, there you have it; this is all over the internet:

The U.S. military on Tuesday announced the deaths of six more American soldiers, pushing the U.S. military death toll since the beginning of the Iraq war in March 2003 to at least 2,978 - five more than the number killed in the Sept. 11 attacks in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania.

George Bush managed to kill more Americans than Osama Bin Laden; what a great way to avenge the deaths of those who died in the World Trade Center. How many Iraqis have died we will never know... to the Bush/Cheney gang of crooks and liars the human death toll and destruction of Iraq never was important anyways... the only thing that ever mattered was the oil and the intent of U.S. imperialism to dominate the Middle East.

William Z. Foster, writing in the "Twilight of World Capitalism" encouraged American workers to get educated real quick about the real nature of imperialism... that was in 1949 and how many wars, deaths, and how much destruction later?

As we sit around our kitchen tables we need to discuss the nature of the capitalist system and the web that has been spun by the military-financial-industrial complex;
unless we begin to understand how capitalism in its final imperialist stage has grown parasitic and canabalistic we are doomed.

The American people voted on November 7 to end this dirty war. George McGovern has come up with a very sensible "Blueprint" to get us out of Iraq... the time has come for the Democratic Party to stand up to Bush by cutting off funding for the war and move quickly to impeach Bush and Cheney... they both have to go... they lied about this war from the start... they stole the elections in 2000 and 2004 to begin with... now it is time to end this war and get these two crooked warmongers out of office.
